Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sara says: HO, HO, ohhh...

(photo by nailmaker)

The saints are still marching in! Check out these priceless works of art I stumbled across while junkin this weekend.

Santa kinda looks like he just crawled out of the gay bar at 5 am. GO SANTA! And by "go" I mean, GO HOME! Jeez...

I'd also like to give a shout-out to literally the creepiest Santa I've ever seen. I'm kinda glad blogger friend Eartha Kitsch found him, because if I had seen him in person, I would have had some kind of nervous fit or something.

Clicky HERE to visit EK's lovely blog and see this bastard lit up. No, seriously, I had real-life nightmares about this thing. Will not be visiting Nashvegas anytime soon.

Merry Kitschmas!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Love your commentary on that art!

    Not to worry...I can't afford to bring light-up Santa to my house but I WISH!
